Got ‘Stache? The #stacheSelfie Challenge Begins Monday May 4 at 12:01 AM!
Got ‘Stache?The ‘#stacheSelfie Challenge Begins Monday at 12:01 AM!
We’re kicking off the Moustache Challenge on social media Monday, one day before the big Boldly Me $10K in 24hrs event. It starts at 12:01am on Monday morning and goes until midnight Tuesday night - come play with us!
Here's what we posted on social media Sunday night...
The Rules
Rule #1 about the #stacheSelfie Challenge: DO talk about the #stacheSelfie Challenge.
#2. Post a mustached-themed photo/video on Twitter/Instagram
#3. Use hashtag: #stacheSelfie (if on Facebook, tag Boldly Me so we can see it!)
For more fame, use: #eastbaygives and #GiveLocal15
You can post more than one pic or video.
Prizes will be awarded for Most Creative, Most Funny, and Most 'Staches for photos and videos posted through May 5th at 11:59pm.