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Promise Event: Bringing Awareness and Solutions to Mental Health Issues

If you thought college was stressful, a recent study is showing that high school can be even more so.

Last year, the St. Louis University School of Medicine conducted a study at Irvington High School right here in Fremont, CA. They wanted to know how many students suffered from anxiety and depression. The results may surprise you.

They found that anxiety and depression levels at Irvington High are double that of the St. Louis University Medical School.

A closer look at the percentages of students suffering from anxiety and depression revealed that 79.5% of Irvington High students experience moderate to high anxiety.

It also showed that 54.5% reported moderate to severe depression.

So how well do students cope with such feelings? The survey showed that 61.1% reported moderately low to very low resiliency.

When high levels of anxiety and depression are combined with low levels of the ability to cope with these emotions, you can see the potential for destructive behavior such as cutting, eating disorders, and thoughts of self harm or harm to others.

It's happening right now, right here in our community.

But we can do something about it. We can prevent and reduce destructive behavior by dealing with it as early as possible in a person's life. We developed our BoldJourney and BoldQuest programs to address this very issue.

Boldly Me Promise Event 2016

This Friday, Lieutenant Mike Tegner of the Fremont Police Department will emcee the Boldly Me Promise Event at Massimo's Restaurant. This event is a great opportunity to witness the transformation of the people we serve.

Join us this Friday and you will:

  • Enjoy appetizers and beverages

  • Chat with our Directors and Board Members

  • Hear Executive Director Alanna Powell talk about our vision and accomplishments

  • Listen to our community partners describe the urgent need for mental health help

  • Watch a mini documentary about us made by high school students (a Film Festival entrant!)

  • Watch live performances of our BoldJourney students, demonstrating the impact of our program

  • Hear testimonials

We are working hard to help create a safer, more tolerant world for people who feel different so they can bravely and boldly conquer their dreams with a compassionate confidence that helps them soar to live their passion every day.

With your support and advocacy, we can give people who are suffering silently the hope, effective tools, and a sense of self-worth and compassion that can change their lives forever.

Please join us this Friday, April 29th at 6:30pm at Massimo's Restaurant in Fremont

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Boldly Me effectively redirects students who think about hurting others or themselves to more healthier behavior socially and emotionally.

Contact us to learn how we work with school systems.

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Mailing Address: 

Boldly Me • 39795 Paseo Padre Pkwy, • Fremont, CA  94538

Boldly Me is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your donation is tax deductible

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